
Systematica kicks off Diamond Project


On December 11th and 12th, Systematica joined the kick off meeting for DIAMOND in Barcelona. DIAMOND is a European project dedicated to research on gender-specific needs and to innovate decision-making, planning tools and methods toward fair and inclusive transport systems.

Financed within the European Programme Horizon 2020 and under the specific objective dedicated to demographic change and participation of women in transport, DIAMOND puts together 14 partners from 8 different countries, including universities and research organisations, Public Bodies and transport operators, NGOs and companies in the field of mobility and transport. They will join forces along a 3-year intense programme of activities, coordinated by EURACT, one of the largest research centres in Europe, with a dedicated department on Big Data analytics.

Systematica is a key partner in charge of seeking and identifying available data able to unveil mobility behavioural characteristics of women, allowing for a new and more clear knowledge of their needs, motivations and expectations, either as users of transport services or as employees in the sector.

You will soon be able to read more about DIAMOND progresses on the website of TransportTransport, Systematica’s new Research Unit.

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