Unveiling the Women’s Needs as Users of Urban Railway and Bike Sharing Services: the H2020 DIAMOND Project presented at ETC 2020
Systematica participated on September 9th with the Horizon 2020 DIAMOND project at the European Transport Conference 2020 Online – Session: “Women and Men – aren’t we all equal?“.
The presentation, titled “Unveiling the Women’s Needs as Users of Urban Railway and Bike Sharing Services: the H2020 DIAMOND Project”, was focused on the overall methodology of the DIAMOND project and the different types of data that will be gathered and analysed for each of the four use-cases of the project.
Andrea Gorrini, Senior Transport Research Consultant at Systematica, illustrated how territorial, census and mobility geodata is being used for selecting and analysing relevant railway stations in Barcelona and Warsaw, and bike sharing docking stations in Paris.
The DIAMOND project is a research project aimed to convert data into knowledge with notions of fairness to support the inclusion of women in current and future transport systems as transport users and as professionals in the sector.
See the link for more information about the presentation.