Board Members


Diego Deponte

Managing Director, Senior Partner

Master of Science in Civil Engineering - Transport Planning and Infrastructure Design
Politecnico di Milano - Milan, Italy

Diego Deponte is Partner, Director and Member of the BoD of Systematica. With a Master of Science in Civil Engineering (Specialisation in Transport Planning and Infrastructure Design) at Politecnico di Milano, he has been working for more than 20 years on the Transport Planning and Mobility Engineering industry, gaining a considerable experience in all-round transport and mobility planning and design as well as territorial/urban planning.

His multi-faceted experience includes strategic national, regional and urban transport planning, development transport planning, strategic traffic and revenue advisory, crowd management and mobility planning of major events, feasibility studies of transport infrastructures and mobility services, multi-modal transport assessments, parking engineering, pedestrian flow analysis and vertical transportation appraisals, smart and electro-mobility planning, transport modelling with robust knowledge of a large set of different transport planning / traffic engineering suites of codes.

Over the last years, he has been also involved in the definition and assessment of innovative and state-of-the-art mobility systems, to include digital solutions for traffic management and mobility operations, Mobility as a Service (MaaS) schemes, driverless solutions, on-demand public transport services, ride-sharing and mobility-sharing schemes, car-pooling systems as well as Open / Big Data analytics to inform and enrich planning and design activities.

Over his extensive career, he has been working on a wide range of projects and studies for the public and private sector clients alike, gaining valuable international professional experience and proven track-record in Europe, Middle East, South Asia, Far East, China and Africa.

Seasoned, self-motivated professional with entrepreneurial and business development capabilities, he has an extensive global and multicultural experience, accumulated over the years in the international market.
He demonstrates strong management track record and recognised capability on financial management and budgeting, team leading and budget/cost control, resource allocation, supervision of staff, excellent client-facing skills as well as natural client liaison ability and a good head for marketing and business development.

Master of Science in Civil Engineering - Transport Planning and Infrastructure Design
Politecnico di Milano - Milan, Italy
Previous experience
Working in Systematica since 2008
2005 - 2008
MP (Systra Group) in the London Docklands office
London, UK
2002 - 2005
Milan, Italy
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