
Master of Science in Architecture- Urban Design. Thesis: “Accessibility and historic centres: a proposal for the historic centre of Montevideo".
Università degli studi Roma Tre - Rome, Italy.
Thesis research scholarship
Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo - Montevideo, Uruguay
Bachelor of Science in Architectural sciences. Thesis: “Form and Context: The choice of the relationship with what surrounds us”.
Università degli studi Roma Tre - Rome, Italy
International exchange program
Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura del Vallès, UPC - Barcelona, Spain
Pamela Macaluso joined Systematica as an Architect in January 2023. She is currently working on urban designs, masterplans and internal distribution development for both pedestrian and vehicular mobility.
In 2021 she obtained a Master of Science in Architecture- Urban Design at the Università degli studi Roma Tre, concluding her studies with a three-month research period abroad, in Montevideo Uruguay.
Paper- 06.17.20 Title: “Permanenze e tracce nei paesaggi tra Roma e il mare alla vigilia della grande espansione” Matteo Maria Cianchetti, Enrica Giaccaglia, Pamela Macaluso, Elisa Piola, Giulia Serra, Laura Statuti
Master of Science in Architecture- Urban Design. Thesis: “Accessibility and historic centres: a proposal for the historic centre of Montevideo".
Università degli studi Roma Tre - Rome, Italy.
Thesis research scholarship
Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo - Montevideo, Uruguay
Bachelor of Science in Architectural sciences. Thesis: “Form and Context: The choice of the relationship with what surrounds us”.
Università degli studi Roma Tre - Rome, Italy
International exchange program
Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura del Vallès, UPC - Barcelona, Spain
Previous experience
2022 - current
Preparatory activity for the drafting of a programmatic analytical study, in the form of an urban agenda, entitled "Paths of promotion of cultural and symbolic values of the historical-cultural, monumental and landscape of Isola del Liri" at Università degli studi Roma Tre
Rome, Italy
2022 - 2023
Architect at Studio CT, Rome Italy
Rome Italy
2021 - 2022
Network Engineer at Accenture S.P.A
Rome Italy