Rimini Parco del Mare Parking Study
The aim of the study was to precisely quantify parking demand along Rimini Waterfront. The study was focused on supporting the economic and financial feasibility study of the development of Parco del Mare project. The project will completely change Rimini waterfront converting the existing road and parking system into a linear park. The project requires to remove around 2.000 parking spaces and to replace them with multi-storey parking structures.
More in detail the scope of work was to quantify parking demand along the year and the day to support financial and economic analyses of a potential investor willing to build and manage the parking structures. To provide a comprehensive and reliable picture of existing parking demand many surveys have been realized considering 3 different timings (morning, afternoon, evening), 2-day typologies (average weekday and average weekend day) and performing the counts during 3 different year periods (low, medium and high season). The relevant amount of data collected was elaborated through GIS tools in order to provide the client with a range of detailed maps of parking demand together with a series of aggregate parameters.