
Palestine NTM – Second Steering Committee Meeting in Ramallah


The second Steering Committee meeting for the “Road and Transportation Masterplan for Gaza and the West Bank” took place in Ramallah on 8th and 9th September 2015. The participants of the meeting were: the international Key Experts; the Consortium, led by Systematica; the Client (EIB-European Investment Bank), and finally the Benificiary (MoT-Ministry of Transport of Palestine).

The main objectives of the second SC meeting were the assessment of the current status of the Project and the presentation of the preliminary proposal for the Plan envisioned by the Consortium together with the team of international and local experts.

The core of the proposal is the shift from master planning to master programming and the consequent definition of an overall planning strategy entailing not only the projects localised on the territory but also a chronological program of their implementation, organised into several phases: the first, at immediate short-term for 2016-2017 and the last, embedding a long-term vision, starting after 2045.

The European Investment Bank and the Palestinian Ministry of Transport welcomed the approach adopted by the Consortium and appreciated the Plan proposed.

After the second Steering Committee meeting, the “Road and Transportation Masterplan for Gaza and the West Bank” is entering its final phase that is aimed at fixing the strategies and policies useful for the implementation of the Plan.

For more information about the project, please visit the dedicated page.

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