An Online Overview on Architecture from Renzo Piano’s Point of View
A new website dedicated to the “Almanacco dell’Architetto”, conceived by Renzo Piano and published by Proctor. An online “tour” between art and construction techniques, with constant updates.
At the website it is possible to view a detailed presentation of the Almanacco, composed of two volumes: the first one, “Viaggi nell’architettura” is made by 16 of the most significant projects of Renzo Piano; the second volume, “Costruire l’architettura”, collects the contributions of nine authors, architects and engineers chooses by Renzo Piano, which describe and deepen the construction phases of a building.
One entire section is dedicated to the authors, with Renzo Piano and his son Carlo Piano, journalist, in an exciting journey on a hot-air balloon around the world, to see “from above, without rush and noise” some of the buildings realized in almost 50 years of work. This “tour” constitutes the first volume of the Almanacco.
The second volume, with the scientific coordination of Federico Bucci, presents the contributions of Giovanni Calabresi, Lorenzo Jurina, Marco Sala, Massimo Majowiecki, Gianni Ottolini, Federico Butera, Giovanni Scudo and Fabio Casiroli; editorial coordination of Franco Origoni.