e-BRT Bergamo-Dalmine-Verdellino
Sustainability and efficiency are the two main goals that the new electric Bus Rapid Transit (e-BRT) line, a project financed by the Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNNR) for the Municipality of Bergamo, will help achieve. The new public transport line will span 29,7 km and 42 stops, from Verdellino to Bergamo, passing through Lallio, Dalmine, Osio Sopra e Osio sotto.
Systematica is part of the team led by ETS and provided traffic and mobility consultancy services to ATB Azienda Trasporti Bergamo during both technical-economic feasibility study and schematic design phases that concluded in November 2022, with the approval from the public authority.
Systematica developed a multimodal macrosimulation model during the feasibility study phase, aimed at evaluating the functionality of the different design solutions to maximise the passenger flows by public transport mode and reduce the negative impact on private traffic. A traffic microsimulation analysis was also conducted, with a focus on the main junctions and most strategic portions of the road network along the new e-BRT corridor, which will be signalized through the application of innovative traffic-actuated schemes, to guarantee #bus priority.