
Neil Mansfield Award 2021


Systematica is pleased to announce that one of the papers presented at the European Transport Conference 2021 has been chosen for the Neil Mansfield Award 2021, administered by the Young Researchers’ and Practitioners’ Forum of the ETC. The award is given in the name of Neil Mansfield, a brilliant young researcher in the UK Department of Transport, who died at a young age. The prize is awarded for the best paper written by an author under the age of 35.

The awarded paper is “Free-flow carsharing systems in a spatio-temporal urban ecosystem: an urban informatics approach”, authored and presented by Federico Messa, with Diego Deponte as supervising author. The research has been developed as part of Transform Transport research activity and it proposes an analytical approach to understand free-flow carsharing Origin-Destination data in relation to site-specific spatio-temporal urban characteristics, such as landuse, demographic distribution and public transport system offer.

The paper will be included in the Conference Proceedings.

For more information, follow-up here.

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