Palestine NTMP: Third Steering Committee Meeting in Amman

The third Steering Committee meeting for the “Road and Transportation Master Plan for West Bank and Gaza Strip” took place in Amman, on July 11th and 12th, 2016. The participants of the meeting were: the international Key Experts; the Consortium, led by Systematica; the Client (EIB-European Investment Bank), the Beneficiary (MoT-Ministry of Transport of Palestine) and other international key stakeholders (Jordanian Deputy Minister of Transportation and Communication).
The third SC meeting was aimed at presenting the final proposals for the Master Plan and the Implementation Program, the two constitutive elements of the entire Project.
The multi-modal network was presented along with the overall planning strategy entailing not only the projects but also a chronological program of their implementation, organised into several phases: the first, at immediate short-term and the last, embedding a long-term vision, starting after 2045.
For more info, please visit the dedicated page.