Piano Direttore Comunale della Nuova Lugano

Systematica, as part of the team led by Studio Paola Viganò, has been shortlisted for first place to develop the ‘Piano Direttore Comunale della Nuova Lugano’. The aim of the study, initiated by the Municipality of Lugano, is to elaborate a vision for the territorial and urban development of the city for the next twenty years.
Lugano is a city that has undergone numerous territorial transformations over the years. Its latest aggregation into 21 neighborhoods has called upon reconsidering the development of the New Lugano. The location of Lugano at the base of the Ceneri Tunnel, part of the AlpTransit and the third longest railway tunnel project in Switzerland, provides the city with a strategic role in reinforcing connections between the Ticino canton, other Swiss cantons and Italy.
The transportation and mobility transformations, as well as the patchwork of territories and their peculiarities have brought forward new thinking lines and reconsiderations. Lugano awaits societal, economic, environmental, and territorial challenges that must be addressed in dynamic and innovative ways.
The team is dedicated and determined to propose a harmonious and balanced development of the territory, in line with the goals and aspirations of the Municipality of Lugano. The Piano Direttore would be used as a new governance tool, rooted in complex processes and approaches, which will define territorial structures and urban policies, all while preserving the unique historical, cultural, and natural heritage of the city of Lugano.
Image of Franck Arcuiolo, CC BY-SA 3.0