
Salaris Shopping Centre and Transit Hub is inaugurated


Systematica was part of the design team led by 5+Design, the international architecture and planning practice. The centre includes civic and retail areas and direct access to the Salaryevo metro station’s underground, a long-haul bus station, and one of the biggest parking area in New Moscow.

Systematica provided design and mobility solutions for the complex pedestrian and vehicle movements and activities within and around the site in order to achieve a comprehensive transit system hinged on the principles of Transit Oriented Developments. The study was aimed to ensure seamless access and high-quality user experience, with the aim to shift modes toward public transport and to promote sustainable urban growth.

The project is part of Moscow’s 2011 plan to expand the city with residential developments like the nearby Salaryevo Park, making the transit hub a key transit player and anchor for the growing neighbourhood.


Image is courtesy of 5+Design.

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