Shaping Aging Neighbourhoods – Milan | Gallaratese

The research project, “Shaping Ageing Neighbourhoods | Milan, Gallaratese”, led by ARUP and in collaboration with Systematica and Fondazione Housing Sociale was recently published.
The research focuses on defining a senior-friendly approach to design, creating an urban environment in order to respect, protect, and fulfil the rights of senior citizens. The monograph is the result of an investigation conducted in Gallaratese, a neighbourhood in Milan with the oldest population – around 33% of its inhabitants are over 65.
The United Nations Population Fund estimates that over 50% of people ageing 60 or older will live in Urban Areas by 2020. Neighbourhoods play a crucial role in the daily life of inhabitants, especially when considering social encounters and opportunities to interact, which are essential to the well-being of senior citizens. Moreover, the research focuses on defining design actions and interventions to improve the overall quality of life in neighbourhoods.
12 age-friendly goals were defined together with assessment parameters and a set of interventions. Systematica supported all mobility and accessibility-related aspects of research. The study highlights spatial conditions that are tailored to the needs of the elderly through three main mobility goals:
– Improving walkability
-Developing public transport
-Providing seamlessly connected mobility
The pilot project in the Gallaratese neighbourhood is intended to be applicable in other neighbourhoods across a variety of European cities. The full publication can be found at the following link.