Lima, Peru: Systematica in the Awarded Consortium for Metro Line 2

On March 28 2014, the consortium Nuevo Metro de Lima was awarded the project “Metro Line 2 and Av. Faucett – Av. Gambetta Section of the Metro Network of Lima and Callao”, the largest project ever put up for bid in Peru. The consortium was formed by Salini-Impregilo (Italy), who called Systematica to support their study, and five other firms (Cosapi S.A. (Peru), Iridium Concesiones de Infraestructura S.A. (Spain), Vialia Sociedad Gestora de Concesiones de Infraestructura S.L. (Spain), Ansaldo Breda S.p.A. (Italy) and Ansaldo STS S.p.A. (Italy)).
Systematica assisted the Design Team and provided technical assistance throughout the design process with a specific pedestrian analysis supported by sophisticated dynamic modelling in order to give a comprehensive evaluation of the effectiveness and suitability of the stations of the new subway line.
The Line 2 will cross Lima from east to west, from Ate all the way to Callao, covering a distance of 27 km (the entire line will span 35 km with an 8 km extension to reach the airport). Once completed, It will take about 50 minutes to cross the Line 2, thus 90 minutes less to cover the entire distance by car today.
For more information about the project, please visit the dedicated page.