
WOMEN IN TRANSPORT & RESPONSIVE MOBILITY: Gender approach to climate change


A scarcely studied variable in transportation studies is that of gender. According to statistics, women are the largest moving group showing more complex transport patterns, which typically include the choice of walking and public transport, at more varied times of the day and mostly  accompanied by children or elderly persons in need of care.

In recent years, a pursuit for gender equality started, demanding for example equal employment opportunities or more flexible maternity regulations. Nevertheless we should not overlook the chance of learning from each other when planning the future. After all, the mobility of women is more ecologically sustainable and seems designed for protection and security. These aspects get even more important when talking about inclusive infrastructure policies or climate change and resilient mobility solutions. One approach to that is using urban (big) data, to manage mobility changes and simulate future mobility patterns. 

Topics like this are covered within the Webinar Women in transport: Leveraging change for Needs Responsive mobility: Gender approach to climate change issues” within the Transport Research Arena Conference TRA 2020 in Helsinki. Rawad Choubassi, Andrea Gorrini, Anahita Rezaallah and Dante Presicce from Systematica together with Ludovico Boratto and David Laniado from Eurocat talk about Seeking Fair Inclusion of Women in Public Transport Using Urban (Big) Data for more sustainable choices: The Case of H2020 DIAMOND Project. The TRA 2020 conference is on Thursday, 2nd July, starting from 11am. 

Learn more about the Webinar. Registration open!

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