Albena Development
Albena Resort is a 17,000-room leisure, entertainment and cultural resort located 30 km away from Varna Airport in Bulgaria. The resort development project launched by Albena PLC, the client, is mainly aimed to modernize the resort and elevate its standards to international levels, hence become capable of attracting users from different destinations. The master plan is focused on mobility issues given the impact and influence that said topic has on the current living conditions and qualities of the place.
Systematica was appointed to provide an integrated and comprehensive mobility master plan that analyzes thoroughly the current conditions and identifies mitigation measures for regulating parking, managing vehicle and pedestrian traffic and improving the streetscape and public realm. The 3-month work period was focused on setting clear objectives and producing an action plan capable of transforming the produced master plan into a working tool that the client can use for setting priorities and defining a clear pipeline of interventions for the coming year.