Ponte Parodi Shopping Centre
After the completion of the first phase of the project for a Multipurpose Centre at Ponte Parodi, in Genoa, Systematica was involved also for the final draft to carry out technical and geometrical verifications to improve the design process itself and to support the feasibility study of the project in its many factors.
The work was structured in two macro-phases: the identification of possible critical issues during the analysis phase; strategic proposals for the clearing of identified criticalities, for the redesign of existing layouts during the design phase. The vehicular accessibility to the project area (vehicular accessibility to underground car park levels and logistic mobility at the pier level) represented the main topic between the ones considered in the final draft phase. On the base of the foregoing, in order to identify possible critical issues and to propose related solutions, Systematica analysed access and vehicular connection systems, parking layouts, internal circulation and parking levels escape routes, logistic mobility and loading bays layout in relation to the proposed geometries, possible constraints and current regulations.