Covid-19 | Urban Tracker App
In response to the Covid-19 virus affecting our cities, a call was launched by the Ministry of Technological Innovation and Digitalization in Italy for tracing people’s movements. Systematica responded with its “Covid-19 Urban Tracker” application capitalizing on its long standing and consolidated worldwide experience in urban movement data analysis.
The application is designed to anonymously trace people’s movement with the ultimate goal to identify the virus spread concentrations inside large and complex cities. Complex cities of more than 500,000 inhabitants can hardly be quarantined, or subject to enforced lockdown due to the economic consequences and the logistical difficulties in terms of enforcement and servicing. To this end, this application is designed to provide the Virus Task Force with the appropriate data for tracing the limits of the outbreak, and identifying the most vulnerable areas in real time. This information is then used to prioritize actions for testing possibly infected people and monitoring the evolving potential limits of the outbreak.
More in detail, the application stores information from different sources: from the user and all attributed movements, information from healthcare services regarding the geographical coordinates of all persons with the infection, whether quarantined at home or in an intensive care unit in a hospital, and lastly from census-bureau statistical data disaggregated into different Analysis Blocks/ Zones of a hexagon grid of roughly 100 meters radius. The output is expressed in both statistics of the different Blocks as well as heat maps. The heat maps illustrate the most vulnerable areas, and all the adjacent zones that might be affected due to the registered inbound and outbound people movements.
Systematica commits to strive further for developing applications and analytical readings in contributing to this struggle. Our years of experience in different regions worldwide is a valuable asset that we capitalize on for transforming our tools and data into actionable knowledge, hence serving the globe towards a common cause.