
Systematica at 5th Cyprus Sustainable Mobility Conference


Systematica joined the 5th Cyprus Conference on Sustainable Mobility and Intelligent Transport, organised by the Public Works Department of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works and held in Nicosia on the 16th and 17th of May 2017. The Conference was centred around a number of multi-faceted topics as sustainable mobility policies and planning, integrated urban and transport planning process, walkable urban developments, and intelligent transport systems. The most relevant aspects discussed during the 2-days conference were the impact of urban planning on people’s life, the benefits of European SUMPs, the future for mid‐sized cities, smart applications in contemporary cities, city logistics and CAVs.

With respect to the most innovative integrated urban-transport planning approaches, Diego Deponte, Systematica’s Partner and Director delivered a speech on Systematica’s pioneering approach on dealing with complex and large urban developments centred around public transport, and presented the recent project of Jumeirah Central Development. Jumeirah Central – Dubai Holding’s latest urban Master Plan – is expected to be the new key destination and first Transit Oriented Development in Dubai. Designed around people and developed in line with the city regional hub strategy and tourism vision, it consists of a mixed-used, highly accessible and walkable development based on a firm framework of sustainability, viability, connectivity and vitality of the urban built environment with the aim of designing a real community, a driven smart city which will be socially engaging and culturally rich.

Systematica worked for around 20 months in tight collaboration with architects (5+Design) and developers on both Concept Master Plan (CMP) and Detailed Master Plan (DMP) contributing significantly to the definition of a reliable and diversified transportation network.

More information about the Conference are available on its official website:

For more information about the project, please visit the dedicated page.

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