Systematica for Transit Oriented Development Seminar at Politecnico di Milano

Systematica is invited to the Seminar “Transit Oriented Developed” organised by Elisabeth Campbell, Architect and Professor of urban planning at Politecnico di Milano.
The seminar investigates the relation between urban planning and public transportation, presenting exemplary study-cases, like the development plan for Monfalcone Port, and the strategic and integrated vision for Pisa and Florence Airports.
Giovanni M. Bottini and Diego Deponte, respectively Systematica’s Vice President/Partner and Partner, propose a speech where methodological aspects are tackled with the aim of demonstrating how context plays a key-role within the relation between urban planning and public transportation. Indeed different contexts presenting similar issues may require different approaches and therefore different solutions.
Systematica’s speech is enriched with a selection of projects, attentively chosen for the seminar “Transit Oriented Developed”: “Grand Pari(s)”, France, with LIN; “Moscow River“, Russia, with Project Meganom; “Torino Variante 200”, Italy, with the Dutch firm CIE, and; “Mall of the World”, Dubai, with 5+ Design.