Systematica Participates to the Urban Development Forum- Sofia 2019 Discussion

Systematica participated to Urban Development Forum (UDF 2019) in Sofia, Bulgaria. The presentation titled “The role and importance of transport and mobility infrastructure for developing mixed modern zones in brownfields” was focused on our extensive experience on mobility and transportation consultancy of mixed-use mega urban development projects especially on regeneration of brownfield zones.
The Municipality of Sofia has repeatedly stated its desire to develop the potential of the former industrial zones and to turn them into modern urban territories. These areas have significant growth potentials both in scale and in infrastructure, reason for which the city continuously seeks best practices and challenges for the regeneration of former industrial zones.
“Good access and connectivity levels” states Rawad Choubassi, Partner and Director at Systematica, “are key factors in guaranteeing success of brownfield regeneration projects”. The projects presented during the forum had shown a number of examples where the development potentials are reinforced through achieving coherent and accurate sustainable transit alternatives and strategies, adequate accessibility infrastructure, multiple transit modes, shaded walkable networks, safe and protected cycling paths, smart and shared mobility devices, and intelligent parking infrastructure.