
Moscow: Systematica Shortlisted for Serp & Molot Project


The international team composed by Gustafson Porter (UK), Buro Happold (USA), Systematica (Italy) and Project Meganom (Russia) was shortlisted for the development of an architectural and town-planning concept for the former industrial areas “Serp & Molot” in Moscow.

The projected part of the land “Serp & Molot” industrial zone’s land occupies one of the key places in the capital’s planning structure and enjoys high potential of city-planning development.

The result of the city-planning reorganization shall be the formation of an urban environment shaped to the people and spatial surroundings, development of a system of open community spaces and recreational areas, ensuring ecological safety, social attractiveness and economic efficiency of the projected use of the territory as the largest “point of growth” in reorganization of the city’s industrial zone.

The principle aim of the project is to turn “Serp & Molot” area into a multifunctional city unit with a well-developed infrastructure, integrated into the city pattern and meeting the requirements of environmentally sustainable developments.

For more information about the project, please visit the dedicated page.

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