
Innovative Mobility Technologies


Innovative mobility technologies are already shaping the mobility of tomorrow, making it smarter, cleaner and more accessible. Predicting the way people will move tomorrow starts through testing and imagination

Innovative mobility technologies are constantly present in today’s transport sector. Technological progresses, high-level R&D, together with bottom-up open innovation practises, are gradually getting us accustomed to new possibilities of moving. In order to be effective, innovative mobility technologies shall rely on intelligent infrastructure, equipped with technological components granting the correct management of mobility demand through automatic data acquisition and smart mobility, supported by the application of ITC and ITS solutions.

We, at Systematica, are constantly chasing the innovation process that has been involving the transport sector for years. Our approach to innovative mobility solutions is incisive, implying an in-depth assessment of latest outcomes, with their factual applications, and the attentive selection of international best practices that can help us to achieve the following goals: respond to future mobility needs; ensure network’s resilience and capacity of integration in different contexts; and guarantee high standards and quality of mobility supply.

PT system adopting ICT-enabled user navigation, ride-sharing and short-term rental car-sharing schemes, autonomous transport systems, drones and low-altitude aerial mobility are some of the most known applications of innovation of mobility, transforming Mobility into a service, commonly known as MaaS (Mobility as a Service).

MaaS is driven by the transition from “owning” to “consuming”, and its application is boosting multi-modal mobility, by providing user-centric information and travel services (i.e. navigation, location, booking, payment, etc.) that allow us all to consume mobility as a seamless service across all existing modes of transport and in any place.

We believe that the technological progress in transportation is a unique opportunity to develop post-fossil fuel, user-centric and smart mobility solutions

Innovative mobility technologies shall be based on access to individual, public, shared and active mobility. They shall also imply complete integration of new personal autonomous and electric vehicles into multi-modal transport networks.

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